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Thursday, 7/18 | 8–8:05pm

Body script poems dictated by S. Hollis Mickey who is mostly bedbound with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

Hollis Mickey lives in Anchorage, Alaska. She formerly was an active interdisciplinary artist, curator, and educator in. She has severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and is currently not able to continue most aspects of her practice. These body scripts represent the way she can express, dictated as she can no longer write or read with ease due to her disease. Hollis was awarded the 2015 Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Fellowship in New Genres. Her texts have been published in audio and print formats, including ‘Cocoon’ with Full Spectrum Records, audio chapbook 'How to fold a fitted sheet' with Flag Day Recordings and the print journals Northern Review, Alaska Women Speak and Cirque. She holds a BA and MA in Performance Studies from Brown University, and a MFA in poetry at University of Alaska Anchorage. See an archive of her work here: