P·P·O·W is pleased to announce the opening of its' new space at 532 Broadway (near Spring Street), 3rd Floor, with an exhibition of paintings by DOTTY ATTIE, entitled "Episodes in the Lives of Masters". Exhibition dates are September 16 - October 15, 1988. The opening reception will be Friday, September 16th from 6-8pm.
DOTTY ATTIE, well known for her complex, technically proficient, narrative drawings will be exhibiting oil paintings in her first one-person exhibit at P·P·O·W. Based on the lives of famous artists, such as Caravaggio, Ingres and Eakins, Attie constructs a story placed carefully among details from the master's original works. Lust and violence are a contsant undercurrent, and implied are their most horrifying forms: murder, incest, child abuse, dismemberment. Nothing, however, is explicitly stated and the viewer must arrive at his or her own associations and accept complicity for the outcome.
Attie, with her beautifully rendered copies of our most revered old masters and polite narrative, laid out with the utmost neatness and care in the cloistered galery enviornment unsettles her audience as they become involved in episodes not of the highest but of the basest of human activities.