Carolee Schneemann: Body Politics is also the first major exhibition since the progressive artist’s death.
Barbican Art Gallery is putting up the first major Carolee Schneemann UK survey and her first solo show since the American artist slash feminist icon died 3 years ago. Titled Body Politics, the exhibition will spotlight the full extent of her diverse, proactive, interdisciplinary work throughout 6 decades.
The show’s title perfectly renders Schneemann’s artistic process. No matter how deeply hidden, she always found a way to transmute her personal struggles into wider public arena. With over 300 objects on view, we’ll get to see the artist’s concerns with her body which she always used as a starting point of expression. From early gestural paintings (Yellow Ladies, 1957, Pin Wheel, 1957) through mid and later-stage shocking performance art and installations (Meat Joy, 1964, Known/Unknown: Plague Column, 1995–96, More Wrong Things, 2000), the complex individuality of Carolee Schneemann goes on view from September 8th until January 8th, 2023.
Featured Image: Carolee Schneemann, Up to and Including Her Limits, 10 June 1976; Studiogalerie, Berlin; Photograph by Henrik Gaard; Carolee Schneemann Papers, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (950001) © Carolee Schneemann Foundation / ARS, New York and DACS, London 2022