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Wednesday, July 17 | 4-5:00pm

Zoe Brezsny will recite a 15-20 minute text with ambiance that fuses poetry and meditation. Brezsny is interested in the communion of poetry and radio and tapping into its space/time continuum.

The event will be broadcast on Montez Press Radio as a part of a series of broadcasts called Airhead – Faculty Meetings at P·P·O·W.

Zoe Brezsny is a poet from the Bay Area living in New York. She hosts a weekly radio program on WFMU 91.1 FM radio and produces a meditation segment for WFMU's morning show Wake and Bake. She is the author of the zines Earthworks (Land and Sea Press), neuron waterfall (Heinzfeller Nileisist), Shortest Century with Anne Waldman (Erudite Fangs), and Ecstasy (Topos Press), an audio cassette of poems.

Guided Meditations - Zoe Brezsny - News - PPOW