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Wednesday, August 7 | 12–3:00pm

FLOCK is an experiment in shared spontaneous movement, using the improvisational practice of Flocking as a way to explore witnessing, leading/following, and supporting one another in social space.

Holly Adams is an educator, mover, and enthusiast working and living in Brooklyn, New York. They research the connection between relational art and pedagogy, as well as spatial awareness and group dynamics through embodied practices. 

Gallery guests are invited to participate in this movement practice for any amount of time during this event; join us for a short period as your time allows, or stay for the entire practice.

The event will be streamed live on Wave Farm Radio and broadcast at a later date on Montez Press Radio as a part of a series of broadcasts called Airhead – Faculty Meetings at  P·P·O·W

FLOCK - Holly Adams - News - PPOW