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Monday, August 5 | 4—6:00pm

7 women - who got together through participation in the Architecture Lobby Architecture Beyond Capitalism (ABC) School - realised that organizing itself was a necessary architectural skill. Hence, the 1-1/2 years spent co-authoring a this guide didn’t just yield a book - The Organizers’ Guide to Architecture Education - but an in-real-time collaboration that depended on organisational skills.

The event will be broadcast on Montez Press Radio as a part of a series of broadcasts called Airhead – Faculty Meetings at P·P·O·W.

The authors of this book - Kirsten Day (Melbourne, AU), Peggy Deamer (Brooklyn, NY), Andrea Dietz (Washington DC), Tessa Forde (Auckland, NZ), Jessica Garcia Frtiz (Twin Cities, Minnesota), Palmyra Geraki (Chicago, IL), and Valérie Lechêne (Brooklyn, NY) - are members of the Architecture Lobby’s Academic Working Group. That all participated in organizing one or more of the three ABC Summer Schools.

Co-Authorizing The Organizers’ Guide to Architecture Education - Peggy Deamer, Valérie Lechêne, Andrea Dietz - News - PPOW