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Wednesday, July 24 | 2 – 5pm

Thursday, July 25 | 2 – 5pm

Past, present and prospective teachers are invited to review their criteria for assessment using pedagogical play-sets designed by Bethany Ides & Doors Unlimited. Working either 1-on-1 or in small groups (of 3 or 4 total, including me), we'll build interpretive models for reimagining learning objectives, criteria for assessment and modes of engagement.

Sign up for a 30 minute session: 2:00 / 2:45 / 3:30 / 4:15

Up to 3 participants per session. 
Email Timmy -

The event will be streamed live on Wave Farm Radio and broadcast at a later date on Montez Press Radio as a part of a series of broadcasts called Airhead – Faculty Meetings at P·P·O·W

Bethany Ides is a writer, researcher, teacher, theater-maker and organizer, based between the Shawangunk mountains (clunkily transliterated by Dutch colonial writers from Esopus traditional custodians of the land) and the Mombaccus Creek (adapted from the Dutch word for "mask," indicating the Delaware Tribe carved tree memorial art that predated their settlement here). She tries to invigorate collectivity, reciprocity, appreciation and speculation however possible.

Assessment Tools - Bethany Ides, meetings - News - PPOW